The following is a transcription of the G.S. Pelly Private Cemetery which is located on Otter Lake Road in Spallumcheen, British Columbia, Canada.
Richard Stuart Pelly was the second son of Charles Henry and Julia Henrietta Pelly. Richard married Frances Anna Robinson, daughter of George Robinson, J.P. of Thomastown, County Mayo, Ireland on May 19th, 1875. They immigrated to Canada in 1886 with four of their children and homesteaded at Otter Lake near Armstrong, B.C.
Their five children are:
Aunt Raby [Rebecca Elinor Robinson] is a sister of Frances Anna Robinson Pelly. It is thought that she was a nanny to the Barrett, the Pelly and McMullen children.
There are four graves enclosed by a chain link fence. The plot faces east and overlooks Otter Lake. This tiny graveyard is badly overgrown with rosebushes, Oregon grapes and many other bushes. It is very difficult to get to the grave makers. Until recently the property where the cemetery is located was owned by a descendant of the Pelly family.
Pictures are difficult to take and the tombstone of Nona has an engraving that has disappeared. The inscription information is from a survey done several years ago.
In Armstrong, from Highway 97A, turn west onto Smith Drive.
Follow Smith Drive to the north (right) at the junction one block after the turn from the Highway.
Proceed north on Smith Drive, turning left as it becomes Pleasant Valley Road (signs designate this).
Go west to Okanagan Street, turn north (right) for one block to Wood Avenue, turn west (left) and enter Otter Lake Road (1.1 km).
Turn south-west (left) on Otter Lake Road and proceed for 5.4 km, staying to the left on Otter Lake Road and continue for another kilometre.
Go slowly in this last km. - the Pelly cemetery is on the left - there is a pathway to pull into.
The plot is chain link fenced and has a lot of shrubs in it rose bushes, Oregon grape, and others.
The interments for the G. S. Pelly Private Cemetery can be viewed as a pdf file here » interments.pdf
Last updated September 2011