The following is a transcription of the Warren Family Cemetery located at the Jehovah's Witness Church at 5410 Highway 97 in Falkland, British Columbia.
Falkland was originally known as Slahaltkan. As the settlement grew a post office was required so the government officials asked Col. Falkland G.E. Warren (pictured) if his name could be used as the official name for the postal outlet.
Falkland Warren and his wife Annie arrived in the area in 1892. They had six children: Falkland, Victor, William, Maud, Florence and Edith. They homesteaded east of present day Falkland by the Salmon River.
The Warren Family Cemetery is located on the property of the original Warren family homestead. In the 1980's part of the property (Lot 4, Plan 5893, Township 17, Range 12, West of the 6th, Meridian, Kamloops Division of Yale District) was purchased by the Falkland Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses.
It is worthy to note this cemetery is only one of two cemeteries that are located on Jehovah's Witness property in Canada.
The cemetery is approximately 15m by 35m in size and enclosed by a fence. The cemetery is maintained by the Falkland Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. The Warren family is permitted at any time to visit the site and inter members of the family.
The cemetery is located approximately 2.0 km southeast of Falkland, BC on Highway 97.
The address of the cemetery is 5410 Highway 97.
The cemetery is located behind the church.
Note: the cemetery is located on Falkland Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses property and permission to enter should be requested of the owners.
The interments for the Warren Family Cemetery can be viewed as a pdf file here » interments.pdf
Last updated October 2011