The following is a transcription of the Canoe Cemetery located along Highway 1 in Canoe, British Columbia.
The Canoe Cemetery is located on the property once owned by William Baker and consequently is also known as the Baker Cemetery. Currently this cemetery site belongs to the District of Salmon Arm however the only access to it is through the Hidden Valley Campground & RV Park. The cemetery was officially closed in the 1950's.
William Baker was an Englishman who came to Canoe around 1896. He had arrived from Australia where he had been seeking gold. Once his homestead was established and his log cabin built, his wife, Anne and nine-year old son, Percy, arrived from England. Sadly William has no marker on his grave but it is believed he is buried next to his wife Anne.
The cemetery is approximately 15m by 35m in size and enclosed by a chain link fence. The cemetery is inactive but some maintenance on it is still carried out.
The cemetery is accessible through the Hidden Valley Campground & RV Park located at 6670 Trans Canada Highway in Canoe, BC.
The cemetery access is through private property and permission to enter should be requested of the owners.
The interments for the Canoe Cemetery can be viewed as a pdf file here » interments.pdf
Last updated October 2011